Style 1
- There are three elements to any start chart — planet, sign, and house.
- Modern astrologers see astrology as a symbolic language.
- It is likewise visible as an art, or a form of divination.sublunar elements: fire, air, water, earth.
<ul class="list-unstyled ps-0 mb-4 mb-xl-5">
<li class="mb-2 d-flex align-items-baseline"><i class="far fa-dot-circle text-primary pe-3 display-30"></i>There are three elements to any start chart — planet, sign, and house.</li>
<li class="mb-2 d-flex align-items-baseline"><i class="far fa-dot-circle text-primary pe-3 display-30"></i>Modern astrologers see astrology as a symbolic language.</li>
<li class="d-flex align-items-baseline"><i class="far fa-dot-circle text-primary pe-3 display-30"></i>It is likewise visible as an art, or a form of divination.sublunar elements: fire, air, water, earth.</li>
Style 2
- Advanced Reporting
- Relationship Reading
- Personal Consultation
- Face Reading
<ul class="list-unstyled mb-1-9 ps-0">
<li class="mb-3"><i class="ti-check pe-3 text-primary"></i>Advanced Reporting</li>
<li class="mb-3"><i class="ti-check pe-3 text-primary"></i>Relationship Reading</li>
<li class="mb-3"><i class="ti-check pe-3 text-primary"></i>Personal Consultation</li>
<li><i class="ti-check pe-3 text-primary"></i>Face Reading</li>
Style 3
- 1.People laid low with this Dosha are competitive and hot-tempered. They get excited quick approximately everything.
- 2.If Dosha may be very high, then a person's financial-expert and marital lifestyles can suffer.
- 3.People with terrible Mangal remains below regular pressure and may by no means experience calm or ease in life.
<ul class="list-unstyled mb-0 ps-0">
<li class="mb-3 d-flex"><span class="text-primary pe-3">1.</span>People laid low with this Dosha are competitive and hot-tempered. They get excited quick approximately everything.</li>
<li class="mb-3 d-flex"><span class="text-primary pe-3">2.</span>If Dosha may be very high, then a person's financial-expert and marital lifestyles can suffer.</li>
<li class="d-flex"><span class="text-primary pe-3">3.</span>People with terrible Mangal remains below regular pressure and may by no means experience calm or ease in life.</li>